Online Advertising Vs. Regular Advertising
I just want to point out a couple of stuff that really impressed me here:
1- Measurability: Online adverting is so precisely measurable, most importantly in terms of ROI "Return on Investment", and in other terms clearing out the efficiency and in managing Adwords accounts and development in performance.
2- Relevancy: A key concept in Online Advertising is directing the marketing campaign to the relevant potential costumers, whether they are searching precisely for your product, or they are browsing websites related to your business.
3-Control: It's all about the power of controlling the advertising Ad Spending, and the power of controlling the maximum amount of dollars or even cents you are willing to invest in certain areas in your marketing campaign.
4- Instance: The regular advertising mediums usually require previous "time planning" to start delivering the message and most of the time, you'll find yourself stuck with a banner on the high road for a month!
Unlikely, Online Advertising gives your instant access to your marketing campaign, so you have full control to change, add or delete marketing messages anytime throughout the day.
5- Versatility: When it comes to digital advertising, the ad formats are versatile: Text ads, Image ads, Video ads, Mobile ads .. etc
6- Targeting:
- Geographic: The ability to target the entire world, or as little as 10 miles radius from your store.
- Language: Useful option to target customers around the globe based on their language.
- Chronological: This option gives the advantage of showing your online ads on a specific days of week, and specific hours on the day based on your marketing needs.
- Audience: The content campaign gives the option to target different segments of audience, in terms of: Age, gender, type of websites .. etc.
7- Marketing Goals: Online Advertising can take huge part in one of the the following marketing goals:
- Brand Awareness
- Generating Leads
- Generating Sales (online stores)
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